D. They created a culture with both English and African traditions,
He modernized the Russian Navy. At the time, Russia's navy and military were falling apart but Peter the Great was able to turn it around and invade neighboring countries so that Russia would be able to use the Black Sea and many other valuable shipping ports.
Citizens would loan the government a good sum of money in hopes of said government returning the money with interest. This also depended on the current military situation.
Pyramids were built for the burial of Egypt's ruler. Many workers were hired for its building, it took at least 30 years to build one pyramid, so there were many workers and engineers.
French society was divided into 3 estates in the ruler ship of Louis 16
1st estate were the
2nd estate were the
3rd estate were the
big businessmen,merchants,court officials,lawyers etc.
peasants and artisans
small peasants,landless labour,servants.
in the 3rd estate some were poor and some were rich . and only the people of 3rd estate had to pay taxes while the 1st and 2nd estates enjoyed certain privileges by birth .
the most important of these was exemption of paying taxes to the state. the nobles further enjoyed feudal privileges . these included feudal dues,which they extracted from the peasants . peasants were obliged to render services to the lord - to work in his house and fields - to serve in the army or to participate in building roads.