Answer: In the carrot scenario, Derek is able to find carrots at the price he wishes to pay because one competitor offers a lower price. That competitor is successful in making a sale and competition causes the consumer to keep looking until the desired price is found. Likewise in the computer scenario, Melissa still searches in a number of places for the desired computer. Competition again is driving the consumer action of shopping around. However, in this case, the consumer is unable to find the desired price and ultimately decides that since all competitors are asking the same price, this must be a fair market price. In that case Melissa wants the model she wants and is willing to pay a higher price for it, but only after exhausting all of her available options by checking out many competitor prices.
The most important producer in both freshwater and marine ecosystems is phytoplankton.
The answer is the structural-functional perspective.
Structural functionalism is a sociological perspective that sees society as a complex system, whose many parts work together to achieve a sense of stability. For this reason, society is usually compared to the human body. Some of the elements that provide balance are values, traditions and roles.
This approach to sociology has often been criticised for its biased views on gender and class.
Answer:d. reliability.
Explanation:Research reliability refers to the fact that a research method yield stable and consistent outcome.
This means the same method can be used multiple times but still produce the same outcome such as when a professor asks the same question twice but only changing the structure of the question.
Principalmente, las antiguas civilizaciones que lograron trascender territorialmente y crear grandes imperios fueron aquellas que lograron un mayor desarrollo en términos armamentísticos, de defensa y de transporte.
Así, quienes desarrollaron mayores tecnologías para sustentar sus incursiones bélicas, como las catapultas, los arietes o incluso la pólvora, fueron quienes posteriormente lograron trascender en batalla y conquistar nuevos territorios.
A su vez, en materia de defensa, la construcción de fortalezas a través del desarrollo de la arquitectura y la ingeniería permitió una mejor y más estable defensa de los territorios conquistados, lo que redundó en una mayor seguridad para la población y una mayor capacidad de respuesta militar en caso de ataque.
Por último, la creación y el desarrollo de tecnologías como los barcos o los caminos permitieron una mayor rapidez en el traslado de personas y bienes entre los distintos puntos de estos imperios, facilitando así una mayor y mejor interconexión económica y política entre los distintos rincones de dichos imperios.