The words such as blood-bedewed and corpse-like in the phrases given above give off a sinister tone. The words blood and corpse relate to death, a dark atmosphere, or hints that something threatening or harmful is about to happen or has happened. The word "sinister" best describes the tone used in these phrases.
I would change the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I. The American President Wilson tried to persuade the allies to be forgiving, but his European counterparts instead stuck it to the defeated, especially Germany, demanding huge reparations that impoverished them and created the conditions for fascism to triumph. The vengeful allies of World War I created Hitler, and if I could, I would change their minds so that Hitler and his Nazis never had the chance to come to power; they would have remained a far-right fringe group in a rebuilt and prosperous Germany.
The last sentence
"More distance is needed to safely stop in rain or poor visibility"
It is the central claim and arguement.