We invite all those who care for Europe’s past, present and future to sign, support and widely share the Berlin Call to Action “Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe”.
The Berlin Call builds on the momentum created by the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and seeks to engage as many organisations, institutions, governments, civil society actors and individuals in recognising the positive and cohesive power of Europe’s shared cultural heritage.
The important thing that a person influenced by is your values. Values are defined as the regard that someone deserves. The importance, worth and useful of something. This is the principle and standard of someone to behave in a manner that a person can influence another person. It is the core value of morality. Open, clear communication can create transparency between the employee and the organization. When there is found any dark side in the communication between the organization and the employee then it leads to resentment, tension, and feeling of low job security. Strong communication leads them to feel valued and trusted. Open communication can help in reducing uncertainty about the company which creates a more positive environment and staff feel secure and valued by the organization.
the answer i both a and b