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List them in order using their citation including the author and the publisher. The easiest way to make one is easybib- www.easybib.com it automatically sites sources for you
the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations:
Pathos- an element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion
Hope this helps
iTs b i jUsT toOk tHe TeST
Bradbury gained popularity as a courageous and visionary writer after publishing The Martian Chronicles in 1950
The line which compares light and dark to describe the women in " She walks in beauty," is:
"And all that's best of dark and bright"
The poem “She Walks In Beauty” by Lord Byron is about a woman who is very beautiful and charming. The poet speaks about her beauty which is “pure” and “sweet.” He compares her beauty with the dark things present in nature. He also builds a contrast between light and dark, day and night to compare her beauty with. The poem is about her physical, spiritual and intellectual beauty.