1. James was planning a dream vacation to South Korea.
2. James was especially looking forward to trying the local cuisine, including the spicy octopus stew and kimchi.
3. James will have to practice the language regularly to make it easier to communicate with people.
4. James has a long list of sights to see, including the Kimchi Field museum and the famed Seoul park.
The correct usage of the names and adjectives and adverbs in the following sentences are-
1. James was planning a dream vacation to South Korea.
2. James was especially looking forward to trying the local cuisine, including the spicy octopus stew and kimchi.
3. James will have to practice the language regularly to make it easier to communicate with people.
4. James has a long list of sights to see, including the Kimchi Field museum and the famed Seoul park.
d. gadflies
In his famous letter from Birmingham City Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote:
<em>“...we must see the need of having nonviolent </em><em>gadflies </em><em>to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood”</em>
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Gadfly is an established metaphor for the person that doesn’t take the status quo as such and tries to bring the change and the novelty into the society, usually by standing up to the authorities in the process.
Using the gadfly metaphor, King expresses the importance of standing up to the established rules of the society and<u> creating tension that has to end up in change</u>. The tension he calls for is <u>nonviolent and interference to the authority</u>, but impossible to ignore. <u>He is, therefore, calling for nonviolent civil disobedience that will challenge the racial prejudices, and finally abolish them.</u>
The Census Bureau lets individuals self-identify. Since the 2000 count, people have been permitted to check multiple boxes for race or ethnicity. But history has shown a wide variance in how people of different backgrounds come to be identified as part of ethnic groups.
Notably, the issue of racial identity surfaced recently following the fatal shooting of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, who was African-American. The boy's shooter, George Zimmerman, initially was identified as white, prompting accusations that he racially profiled Martin. Once it was reported that Zimmerman's mother is Latino and his father is white, he was identified as Hispanic and later as white Hispanic.
The early 20th century's "one-drop rule" stated that a person with a single drop of African blood in their lineage was considered black, and the classification was used for discriminatory purposes.
The action of Schaffer dismissing the sighting of smoke caused the fire to grow, for he did not bother to alert anyone else. Neither did he try to do something about the fire.
It's pouring down with rain when they meet up at Nick's house, and gradually the sky clears. It's a metaphor for the way things are going between them.