Genetics take a long time to mutate.
Answer: 1/4
Firstly, in order for both parents to be type A and have children with type o blood, their blood types must both be Ao. Since o is a recessive blood type, a punnett square shows there is a 25% chance any child of theirs will have type o blood. If neither parent is color blind and they have a son who is, it implies that the mother is a carrier of colorblindness and has the genotype XᴮXᵇ. If you do a punnett square of the not colorblind father (XᴮY) and the mother, it shows that a daughter would have a 0% chance of being colorblind. Therefore colorblindess is irrelevent, since there is no possibility of the daughter not having normal color vision. In conclusion, there's a 25% chance she will have type o blood and not be colorblind, since the other 75% chance would be having type A blood and not being colorblind.
Totipotent cells can differentiate into more types of cells
The males can only either be black or orange
There can be no male calico because for an offspring to be a calico the two codominant alleles must each be carried on the two X chromosomes and in the males, there is the presence of just one X chromosomes, thus they can either be black or be orange. For the females, the can only be black if they carry the black allele on both X chromosomes, the same goes for the orange.
Parents XB Y
XB XBXB <u>XBY</u>
XC XCXB <u> XCY </u>
XBY- black male
XCY- orange male
a) R= allele for red colored flower
I= Allele for ivory flowers
b) Genotype of pink flowered plant: RI
c) Incomplete dominance
d) 100%
When the dominant allele is not able to fully mask the expression of the recessive allele in the heterozygous state, it is said to be incomplete dominance. The R and I alleles impart red and ivory color respectively to the flowers of the snapdragon plant. The heterozygous genotype "RI" imparts a pink color to the flowers and therefore, the alleles are said to exhibit incomplete dominance.
The genotype of red-flowered snapdragon plant = RR. The genotype of ivory flowered snapdragon plant= II. When a red-flowered snapdragon plant is crossed with an ivory flowered snapdragon plant, the progeny is heterozygous in nature with the "RI" genotype. The phenotype of the progeny is "Pink flower" since the R allele is incompletely dominant over the allele I.