Generally speaking, "d.Language barriers" were not a problem faced by multi-ethnic countries in Africa after independence, since relative to some of the more serious problems, like genocidal violence, this was not an issue.
Step 1- Introduction
Step 2-committee consideration
Step 3-committee action
Step 4-Subcommittee Review
Step 5-Mark up
Step 6-committee action- reporting a bill
Step 7-publication of comittee
Step 8-scheduling floor action
Step 9- debate
Step 10-Voting
Step 11-bill refereed to other chambers
Step 12-conference committee
Step 13-final action
Step 14- overriding the veto
Hope this helps :)
It included liberals and unionist in its meaning of "un-American". The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was made in 1938 to examine charged traitorousness and subversive exercises with respect to private natives, open workers, and those associations associated with having Communist ties.
Women: Kinder, Kurche, Kutcher (Children, Church, Kitchen). Maternal role highlited as one of nurturing the family. Men were to work and protect the family.
Youth: Hitler Youth, League of German Girls, other youth clubs designed to indoctrinate and control them from a young age to continue the nazi legacy. In school, new subjects like race studies introduced and other subjects were adapted to Nazi view e.g. Biology and PE concerned race and more emphasis was put on PE
German Jews: Laws made against them to discriminate e.g. The Nuremburg Laws (concerning citizenship and marriage)
Society in general: Censorship of the media, fear due to gestapo (secret police)
You can do some more research into these topics as this is just a brief overview
George Washington
The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had begun. It was preceded by the First Continental Congress in the fall of 1774. The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription.