What's New Activity 2: Smash Up to express permission, prohibition or obligation. Read the following sentences thoroughly. Ident
ify whether the statements aim 1. You must stay at home if you are unwell. 2. You should maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing EDUCATION DET 3. You must not go to public places. 4. You may use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available. 5. You cannot go to other provinces if you do not have a quarantine pass. 6. You can ask a medical professional if you have queries about the virus. 7. You have to work at home. 8. The rules say that you can only invite one guest at home.
"Subtext is any content of a creative work, which is not announced explicitly (by characters or author), but is implicit, or becomes something understood by the Reader."