The group that benefited the most from gaining independence from Mexico are the Tejanos who were the former Americans and has now become the American citizens and had claimed for the American rights and privileges.
America's economy boomed.
Next came the working class, laborers who either worked in the city for the government or on their own farms. At the bottom of society were the slaves, captured from war and used to assist in the numerous projects happening around the city. So, daily life was very different for different people in Sumerian cities.
<span>1. </span>The
correct answer here is D. Japan’s economy was in a great state after the World War
I but as the Great Depression hit so did the Japanese economy plummet. Japan has
a few national resources and relies mainly on import. Because of the Great Depression
the trade with the foreign nations was in ruins which led to the economic crisis.
Because Japan was lacking resources and land space they invaded Manchuria.
<span>2. </span>The
correct answer here is C. Both Italy and Japan believed that they were not
rewarded adequately for their efforts in the war. Both expected more territory
and were left wanting. This can be seen as one of the reasons why these
countries developed later as they did and sided with Germany in the WWII.
<span>4. </span>The
correct answer here is A. Unfortunately, the League of Nations was not very strong.
They had no army and the both Italy and Germany largely ignored their decrees.
The League of Nations reacted the only way it could and that was by imposing sanctions
and enforcing trade embargoes on these states.
<span>The Haitian New Year's Day tradition of soup joumou or pumpkin soup is said to date back to January 1, 1804, the day Haitian slave and revolutionary leader Jean-Jacques Dessalines declared Haiti's independence from its French colonizers.</span>
<span>So Pumpkin soup is a traditional lolol</span>