yes its not alive all living things are made up of cells, if sth does not have cells its not alive
~batmans wife dun dun dun.....
Answer:The anesthetic may cause a severe headache, which is treatable."
Spinal anesthesia is a type of anesthesia which is administered locally using a fine needle between L3 and L4 space or L4 and L5 space in order to avoid injury to the spinal cord. This procedure is usually carried out by a trained health personnel such as:
- a nurse anesthetists and
- anesthesiologists
Spinal anaesthesia can be used in different surgical procedures such as Caesarea sections and to manage pain during vaginal delivery in MULTIGRAVID CLIENTS, which are those clients who has been pregnant more than once.
Caesarean section is usually done while the patient is awake with the use of spinal anaesthesia. Therefore it's important to explain any possible side effects from the drug to the patient which includes a severe type of headache called post-spinal headache and it's treatable.
A population is essentially just a collection of all living things in one category. People are one population, insects are another, etc. Communities are "more organized" populations. Soccer players hang out with soccer players, spiders hang out with spiders. We split into "our people" within our population.
I know that may be a little confusing, but if you have anymore questions feel free to ask. I hope I was able to help. Best of luck!
Middle Intertidal
Middle Tide Zone: Also called the Lower Mid-littoral Zone. This turbulent area is covered and uncovered twice a day with salt water from the tides. Organisms in this area include anemones, barnacles, chitons, crabs, green algae, isopods, limpets, mussels, sea lettuce, sea palms, sea stars, snails, sponges, and whelks.
That is an oddly phrased question. The scientific names we use now cam from the system of classification that spawned the way we still classify organisms today, started by Carolus Linnaeus. So the better question might be, how did classification impact scientific names?
Of course, in all of the charges that go on in taxonomy, the answer o your question might be that, as the systems and ranks became more complicated, the additions had been made farther up the hierarchy, as to not affect the genus and species levels so much, as those levels are what we use for scientific names.