They are able to incorporate more agriculture, which supplies crops and work.
The Philippines belongs to a number of international organizations, including the United Nations; the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum; Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum; the International Monetary Fund; the World Bank; and the World Trade Organization among others.
4. Haiti
5. Creoles
Hurricane Tranblemannte 2010, Hurricane Matthew 2016
Haitian Creole is a mix of African and French languages. Common creoles include Haitian Creole, Louisiana Creole, and Mauritian Creole.
The answer would be a theocracy
Here are some FUN FACTS to help expand your knowledge :)
Fun fact 1: In Greek Theocracy means "rule by gods"
Fun fact 2: This Government was first employed in the first Century A.D. by Josephus Flavius
Fun fact 3: This Government was mostly practiced by the jews
Fun fact 4: It was to be told that Moses ruled a theocracy
Fun fact 5: Islamic States, Holy See (Vatican City), Israel, and Central Tibetan Administration
Fun fact 6: Theocracy is a compound word for Theos (god) and Kratia (rule)
Fun fact 7: Some ancient time Theocracies are Pharaos, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Cretans.
Fun fact 8: There is a protected Theocracy at a place called Mount Athos.
Fun fact 9: In 2011 most Theocracies were ruled in islamic states
The tilt of the Earths axis can affect where the Suns rays hit the Earth. If the northern hemisphere tilts slightly more than the southern hemisphere, the northern hemisphere is facing the sun more often, this is known as "Summer" for people in the north, and "Winter" for people in the south. Im not sure if that answered your question, but the suns rays bounce off the Earths surface and clouds and sometimes hit each other in our atmosphere.