The reason behind this imagery being more powerful is that it provides an emphasis in the form of subjective description, interpretation, and comparison to express an idea.
Imagery is a stylistic device to develop a description based on personal perception using objects of reference to represent the one the author talks about to make an emphasis on its appearance. It is a very good instrument to profound in the description because it allows us to establish comparisons, taking as reference objects and events that are not connected to the initial idea.
My answer will be A.carries
First the dog is eight weeks and is taught obedience and socialization. Then when it’s 18 months the dog does a four-month training class. After the dog passes the dog gets to train with the blind person they matched with. Lastly this training can last between 27-20 days
A man (or a human to be politically correct). In Greek mythology, a monster in the city of Thebes called the Sphinx would ask this question to any passerby and if they couldn't answer it correctly, the Sphinx would eat him/her. In the morning, the man is a baby and he crawls on fours. In the afternoon, a man is grown and walks on two feet. In the evening, the man is old and requires a cane to walk. The man who solved this riddle was Oedipus who, upon solving it, caused the Sphinx to fling herself off a cliff and commit suicide.
1- walk him
3- use tools
4-clean the litter box
5-hand water the plants
6-set the table
7-feed them
10-take out the trash
11-tidy up
12- launder them
13- make the bed
14-wash it
15-go to the grocery store
16-pick up
18- wash the windows
20-dust and vacuum
21-clear the table
22-wash the dishes by hand
23-dry the dishes
24-clean the floor