The correct answer is B) the status of slavery in the Mexican Cession.
Clay's speech foreshadows the congressional debate over the status of slavery in the Mexican Cession.
As the leader of the Whig Party, Henry Clay (1777-1852) became one of the most prominent political figures of his time. He was Secretary of State and Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was a charismatic Senator that knew how to relate with people to convey his messages.
In a speech delivered in 1847 about the Mexican-American War, he foreshadowed the issue of slavery and how this issue could divide the country even more.
Henry Clay supported the idea of gradually ending slavery in the United States and relocating former slaves so they could start to live a different life.
So basically...Their was a governor who represented the colony and reported to the government back in England. It was different because not all members were elected by the people, rather chosen by the highest government.
Paul was first a prosecutor of the Christians but was converted later on and became a minister and converted many.
A person burns an American flag in protest of government policies