so three divided by eleven is 0.27272727272727272727272727272727........so on and so forth.
A logarithm in one base is a constant multiple of a logarithm in any other base. Any "order of ..." specification does not include the applicable constant multiplier or the smaller order terms that may be required for an exact computation.
The concept of "order of" is similar to the concept of the degree of a polynomial. Knowing the degree of a polynomial tells you something about the "end behavior" as the function argument gets large. The specifics of the scale factor and lower-degree terms become largely irrelevant.
Step-by-step explained
Sleep,eat well,drink plenty of water.Attened any revision plans.
Round 3 the grandmas
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
the answer is 44 because 44 is the average and your wondering how i got 44 you add all the numbers up which will be 54 and divide by all the total numbers you have so in that case you hvae 6 numbers so 54 divide by 6 is 44