The factor that helped both areas become so socially diverse, technologically advanced and wealthy was their central location. From their shores or land borders they could easily reach almost any country in the AfroEurasian continents. Also India, and somewhat China were very interested in outside cultures and embraced them with open arms.
Albert Wilson died August 2nd, 1956
the right answer is d
tell me it is right or not
Answer: very specific is a labyrith-like architecture. Minoan culture was pre-Greek culture situated in Crete (Mediterranean) and Aegean islands with probable influences of ancient Egypt. What is also typical is what "linear writing" (specificly Minoean hieroglyphs). We are not sure what or who is responsible for the end of this culture because it disappeared quite suddenly. All these facts are very specific and unique of Minoan culture/civilization.
So agriculture is settled where the area that has most fertile soil or the best soil to grow a certain crop.