The importance of family is huge. Your family is always there unconditionally. They're there to guide you through your accomplishments and your mistakes. Their love for you is always there, even when it doesn't seem like it.
hope this helps
i love my family even if we fight a lot. i know they'll love me no matter what even when they don't say it.
if this is for school here you go but if it wasn't i hope you learned a valuable lesson <3 :D
Biblical Allusion [bib-li-kuh l uh-loo-zhuh n ]: a reference within a literary work to a story, idea, or event that is related in the Bible or other biblical writings
She said that she can write a story.
I see to teenager I'm here to park because I boring and I love the park
I believe it would be a, as the passage focuses on how they became more americanized