1.a) Species. It is the lowest taxon and represents the scientific name of the organism.
b) The species name is part of the binomial system of nomenclature developed by Linnaeus.
Thus it is composed of two parts each with its own writing rules (ex. gray wolf - <em>Canis lupus</em>):
A. the genus or generic name
- written first
- always underlined or italicized
- the first letter is always capitalized
ex. <em>Canis</em>
B. the specific epithet or species name
- is written second
- always underlined or italicized
- never capitalized
ex. <em>lupus</em>
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2. The results should always be the same. A dichotomous key is an identification tool based on a series of choices between alternative characters (dichotomous = divided into two parts). Thus, there is no room for subjective observation that may lead to another result. If the morphological traits of the organism are correctly identified, the the result should always be the same. Any differences occur due to errors on the scientist's part.
e) unicellular, colonial, or multicellular.
Protists originates from the Kingdom Protoctista. They comprise of organisms that are unicellular (Amoeba) or unicellular-colonial (volvox) in nature and which have no tisssues, therefore they are at the cellular level of organization.
Examples include, Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Slime mold, Kelp, Diatoms, DInoflagellates. etc.
Some of them are also considered to be multicellular eukaryotes e.g slime molds, red algae etc. Eukaryotic organisms are organisms that possess cells containing a nucleus.
Characteristics in which protists exhibit varies from one species to the other.
For example, the mode of nutrition in eukaryotic algae are autotrophic in nature, in amoeba, they are gifted with pseudopods(false feets) in which they used to engulf prey(a term known as phagocytosis) therefore making them to be heterotrophic in nature.
In protist, locomotion varies from one organism to another. For example, in Amoeba , locomotion is achieved by extending and retracting pseudopods, Euglena are flagellated in nature , hence they move with the flagella. In Paramecium that are ciliated in nature, they move by propelling their cilia. etc.
This is not the best practice because the fever is a mechanism of the body against infection since it will raise the body temperature bacteria, which live well below 37 ° C, die, however it is noteworthy that by itself the fiber can not cure an infection but defenses are needed and must be treated with antibiotics.
In addition, in a small percentage of cases the fever becomes urgent. This is true. It is only true if it exceeds 42 ° C in a sustained manner.
By monitoring changes in the population of a specific indicator species, scientists may draw conclusions about changes in a specific pollutant's levels. In addition, this method of pollution measurement demonstrates the impact of pollution on vulnerable species.