2nd one
i don't know what the last option is for, 3rd one is 3rd person or omnipresent authour, 1st one makes no sense
option A
correct answer is option A
Garner scores high than Brandy the reason will be because of his skill to imagine and interested in learning and curious for every thing which is the openness of Garner help him to score well in exam.
Brandy being conventional, limited interest and down to earth is not the property of being openness which will not give high score in the personality test.
This is the encoding stage, the first stage when we receive external input for memory. This can come in the form of visual stimuli, acoustic stimuli and semantic meaning of the event, it is when the situation is going on and the brain/mind is making sense of it, if there is no such event there cannot be an experience to think about in the future. At least semantic meaning must be coupled with the stimuli as we have to ascribe a meaning to the situations we come across, and in some, if not most cases, the three forms are coupled to form the basis of memory.
The other stages are storage and retrieval. The storage stage is related to how long, how well and how a given event interacts with other events in one's life. The last stage is the retrieval stage which is when we try to remember a given stuation.
Answer: Take an active role
According to the given given question, throughout our career we should take an action in the system development for creating the various types of information system which helps in meets the actual requirement.
By actively taking actions in the system development as it helps in maintaining, developing and also recreating the information system more effectively.
The system development is helps in implementing various types of information system applications by proper designing and testing so that we can manage it according to our needs.
Therefore, Take an active role is the correct answer.