When Stalin blockade Berlin. Americans, English and French made air drops.
You need a time period to be entered here because the Maximum Land area
(million Km to the power of 2) list the British Empire as 35.5 to the power of 3, while the Soviets only have a 22 or so. According to this information, the British Empire is larger in land mass than the Soviet Union. Again, we need a time period for an accurate answer.
It's a. The British thought they were going to win the war the whole way but the British loss at Saratoga made the French think that if they joined forces with the us rebels that the over powering British forces could be taken down.
As part of the Omaha Platform, the People's Party demanded that there be a reduction in the working day fair, a safe, sound and flexible national currency, assistance to farmers with the financing of their labors, fair and liberal pensions to ex-Union soldiers and sailors, the direct election of the Senators, single terms for Vice-Presidents and Presidents, initiatives and referendums to be readily available, a secret ballot system, the nationalization of railroads, telegraph, postal systems and telephone systems a graduated income tax and the free and unlimited coinage of silver.
Transcontinental railroad