My opinion a background check and take another friend with you.
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import random
randomlist = []
for i in range(0,20):
n = random.randint(-29,30)
if n < 0 :
n = 100
The random module is first imported as it takes care of random. Number generation.
An empty list called randomliay is created to hold the generated random integers.
Using a for loop, we specify the range of random numbers we want.
Inside the for loop ; we attach our generated random integer which will be in the range (-29 to 30) in a variable n
For each n value generated, if the value is less than 0( it is negative, since all the values are integers), replace the value with 100.
The answer is Tablets. It is a portable personal computer, generally with a mobile operating system and LCD touchscreen display processing circuitry, and a rechargeable battery in a single thin, flat package. It is bigger than smartphones.