In 1975, about 1/3 of American mothers with young children worked outside the home; today almost 2/3 of such mothers are employed (Schlosser 4) paraphrases the source information correctly.
Option ‘C’
The option ‘c’ is the correct answer because the rest of the options do not produce the information as accurately as option c does.
- The first option only talks about the number of working mothers and does not specifically mention those with young children.
- The second one also talks about women working outside their homes.
- The third option clearly paraphrases the source information
- The last option also does not specifically state the information given in the paragraph.
Rodion is poverty stricken for the narrator tells us that he was in huge debt to his landlady, dressed shabbily and that he was 'crushed by poverty'.
He did not have a care about his looks for his heart was full of hatred and spiteful contempt for the outside world.
The character of Rodion is from Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". He is shown as a poor ex- law student in need of money who commits a crime t fund his educational purposes.
We can know Rodion is "<em>poverty stricken</em>" by the way the writer had written in the very first chapter of the book. The narrator states "<em>He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady</em>" and that "<em>He was crushed by poverty</em>". Such was his condition, which we again see in the later lines "<em>He was so badly dressed that even a man accustomed to shabbiness would have been ashamed to be seen in the street in such rags</em>".
He wasn't bothered at all to wear his shabby clothes outside as he has too much of contempt and spite for the outside world. The narrator tells us that he had "<em>accumulated bitterness and contempt in the young man’s heart, that, in spite of all the fastidiousness of youth, he minded his rags least of all in the street</em>".
hi good day hope you have a good day
hope you enjoy your day okay I hope you enjoy it
to the fullest ok bye
March 13th 2011,
I heard my neighbor Joshua just one the lottery, I can't believe this. I need it WAY more than him, I still need to take care of Hudson and I need money. It's only a matter of time until Joshua moves out to get a mansion. Maybe I can just ask him for money, but will he give some? I think we have a good relationship, hopefully, he will if he's nice enough.
D. If he gets back from the store in time