They’re referred to as nomads.
The late adolescent stands at a transforming moment in life. He has progressed through a huge developmental trajectory that began 18 years ago. The accumulated physical, cognitive, emotional, and social experiences of infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, and the earlier phases of adolescence have prepared him for the final transition to adulthood. This transition is the work of late adolescence.
the young adult also typically has developed a sense of self-identity and a rational and realistic conscience, and he has refined his moral, religious, and sexual values. He is able to compromise, set limits, and think through issues to make decisions. Cognitively, the young adult is still developing, and new research evidence suggests that this process may continue into the third decade of life.
Answer:Helped stop other European nations from claiming territory
The amount of energy it takes on peoples labor to physically carry water back to their village and worrying about evaportation in hot weather which makes water transportation party weather dependant.
Looking for a clean source of water in the first place is also a tough one.