Make notes to easily remember certain things or make it easier to understand something. Organize your subjects and personal items such as binders, papers, notebooks, lockers etc. Make your notes and work personal, add notes for easy answer access and easier understandings of subjects. Make sure to use remembering tactics like the repeating of words or ideas, also make sure to reread or ask questions if needed. Study notes that you take down like they are flash cards to also help with remembering questions and there answers. Attendance is also very important for studying and remembering. If you miss a day try your best to get caught up and study more to get caught up.
100 %
Business strategy Creating an AI strategy for the sake of it won’t produce great results. To get the most out of AI, it must be tied to your business strategy and your big-picture strategic goals. That’s why the first step in any AI strategy is to review your business strategy.
Im on quizlet. It’s probably B
neck strain
due to twisting the neck to talk and looking at the screen
B.) The Turks are denying food to the Armenians.
I got it right