B. Sends and receives signals throughout the body.
The skin on the palmar surface of the hands and feet forms ridges, so-called papillary ridges, in patterns that are unique to each individual and which do not change over time. Even identical twins (who share their DNA) do not have identical fingerprints.
There are many steps in designing and conducting a scientific experiment, but the main ones are a hypothesis, trials, step/procedures, and a conclusion/review
Answer: Most common diseases are a result of both your genes and your environment. Your environment can include personal choices, such as what foods you eat and how much you exercise, and external factors, such as stress, clean water, and air quality.
A. Nutrients and other materials pass through the cell membrane through the process of diffusion. This allows the cell to perform all the activities it requires for daily maintenance and living. The concentration gradient allows the cell to regulate just how much of a certain material passes through it.