It appeared to me that if the elephants were heart-broken, and in despair at the apparently interminable mountain pass, it would be advisable to let them know the actual truth... (I think I did this assignment a while back)
This is because, for the author to have acknowledged that the elephant might be heartbroken shows that, the author has compassion for the plight which the elephants are subjected to.
The word root ambi- means both
You can figure out the meaning of the word "ambidextrous" by looking at the part where Carlos sprained his right wrist, but was still able to throw accurately with his left. Since he could still throw with great accuracy with his left hand, it basically means that it did not matter which hand he used since they both have the same throwing accuracy.
To begin a persuasive essay, start with a hook to catch the reader's attention, such as a startling statistic, a question, or an intriguing anecdote. Next, briefly explain why they should care about the topic and provide some background information to help them feel comfortable with it.
Answer C should be capitalized, because it's a title of someone.
Effect is the right answer.
Cause - a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect:
Effect - something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence.