A construction company has been called in to divert all excess water flowing into the pond to an unused natural reserve 800 feet
Everything else is smoke and mirrors or just irrelevant
pH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. Water that has more free hydrogen ions is acidic, whereas water that has more free hydroxyl ions is basic. Since pH can be affected by chemicals in the water, pH is an important indicator of water that is changing chemically.
The answer is Rr and rr.
We know:
r - recessive allele
R - dominant allele
RR - dominant homozygote with red eyes
Rr - heterozygote with red eyes (since one dominant allele R can mask recessive allele r)
rr - recessive homozygote with sepia eyes
Heterozygote Rr can give to the offspring either dominant allele R or recessive allele r. Recessive homozygote rr can give to the offspring only recessive allele r (take a look at the uploaded image of Punnett square).
After crossing the parents:
Parents: Rr x rr
Offspring: Rr rr Rr rr
2 out of 4 offspring will be with heterozygous with red eyes Rr: 2/4 = 0.5 = 50%
2 out of 4 offspring will be with homozygous with sepia eyes rr: 2/4 = 0.5 = 50%
Public Domain Image, source: Christopher S. Baird.
Healthy humans use all of their brain. There is no part of the brain that goes unused. Certain tasks work certain parts of the brain more, but they all play important roles, as explained by neurobiologist Dr. Eric Chudler. Brain maps, as found in modern anatomy books, indicate that each part of the brain has a specific function essential to a healthy human. If there were a part of your brain that really went unused, then you could safely damage that part in an accident with no ill effects. But decades of medical records show that damage to any part of the brain has severe effects. If 90% of the brain were not used, then 90% of the brain tumors would cause no problem. Imagine brain doctors telling 90% of their cancer patients, "I have good news and bad news. Bad news: you have a brain tumor. Good news: it's in the part of the brain that you will never use." The thought is absurd.
If the 10% myth is instead supposed to mean that humans only use 10% of their brain in a given moment, it is still false. The brain is not a collection of independent machines that are turned on or off depending on whether you are reading or singing. Rather, brain functions emerge as a complex interplay of many parts of the brain. Physiologically, nerves are like muscles in that they degenerate when unused. If 90% of the brain went completely unused, then that portion would degenerate significantly. But brain scans of a healthy person reveals all parts to be intact. This myth was propagated by authors trying to sell books on mystical ways to unlock your hidden potential, claiming that unused brain power could be tapped using the methods in their books. The greatest danger to your brain is not the possibility that a large portion is going on unused. Rather, the greatest dangers are stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and tumors. The best ways to protect yourself from such risks include eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough rest. Do you really want to use your brain to its full potential? Then put down your unlocking-hidden-brain-potential book and go on a run.