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This article's main point is that education isn't everything when it comes to being hired. Having confidence, creativity, and people skills are much more likely to land you a job and make you stand out from others. It makes the point that, "[Millennials] are the most educated and the most underemployed generation ever." I believe this is due to the generation before them, being there parents, wanting them to get the best education possible because they didn't and they forgot to teach them what it means to be a genuine hard-working individual. I do agree with what the author is saying. I believe that your academic knowledge can give you a place on a list and into and interview but your soft skills are what is going to get you the job. Knowing how to persuade and how to seem trustworthy and confident will show employers that you will be a good employee to work with and that you will deliver quality work. In the concluding statement the author said, "Don't delay in crafting the non-academic skills and personal behaviors that you will need to succeed in life after high school." I agree with what the author is saying here, they want young adults or teenagers to start developing their skills outside of school so that they will be better prepared for life in the "real world." I have been working on my non-academic skills for a while now. I knew I needed to start working on these early because I was very shy, which is why I got a part time job. This job helped me to break out of my shell and develop communication skills that I will need to succeed in college and in life.
Explanation: I think this is good, got 100 on edge
Answer: Halo
Explanation: (I looked it up on google translate)
by age 6 children have a spoken vocabulary of around 10,000
Answer: The lawlessness in Libya
After Gen Haftar helped Gadhafi to seize power in 1969, they both had a disagreement in 1980 that made Haftar an exile in Libya.
Despite the fact that this nation is an oil-rich nation, it cannot boast of any meaningful national development. Reason being that the rule of Gadhaffi's rule was a repressive one. He strangled democracy, abused power and dealt with anyone who wasn't on his side.
At another time, he engaged in deceptive dealings with foreign bodies and did all these so as to remain in power. Gadhaffi ruled Libya for over 40 years and yet it's supposed to be a democratic system of government not monarchy.
Gadhaffi was never like that when he was serving a young civil servant. He always make the people believe that he has their best interest at heart. But alas, when he got power in 1969 as a Leader of the Libyan people, after about five years, he started abusing this power given to him by the people which has led to the detriment of the Libyans.
The aftermath of his abuse of power is the current lawlessness in Libya.