The above QBasic code
The output
The iteration on the third line is repeated 5 times; i.e. for values of j from 1 to 5.
In each iteration, the value of N is printed and the next value is calculated.
Initially, the value of N is 1 ---- on line 2
So, 1 is printed first. The next value of N is as follows:
--- we keep replacing N (on the right-hand side) with current N value.
So, we have:

"Feedback" is the correct answer for the above question.
- Feedback is used in any information system or any communication system to tells that any process is doing in the right direction.
- It is used in communication channels to tell the sender that the message is received by the receiver.
- It is a type of message which is sent by the user to the system that he gets the correct or wrong output by that system.
- The above question asked about the term which is used in the information system which suggests changing the processing activity. This is known as feedback which is described above.
For the answer to the question above asking, what h<span>ybrid processors that can process 32 bits or 64 bits are known by what term?
I think you are referring to the Chipset. and they are Manufactured by Intel and Advance Micro Devices (AMD). Intel's Pentium is the first one to have 32 bits and 64 bits of processors.</span>
Information and communications technology (ICT) is an extensional term for information technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communications[1] and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual systems, that enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.
Respuesta: Los caracteres adquiridos no se transmiten genéticamente porque no modifican el ADN de los organismos
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck al igual que Charles Darwin, propuso una teoría sobre la evolución que explicaba cambios en los organismos a través del tiempo. La teoría de Lamarck se enfocaba en condiciones en el ambiente que propiciaban cambios en los organismos. Un ejemplo de esto son las jirafas, que de acurdo a Lamarck tenían cuellos largos debido al esfuerzo continuado para comer hojas de árboles altos. Esto significa que la característica de cuello largo era adquirido por las jirafas durante su vida y según Lamarck se transmitiría a sus descendientes.
Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que los caracteres adquiridos no modifican el ADN de los organismos, por ejemplo las cirugías estéticas no cambian el ADN de una persona y por esta razón no son transmitidos a sus descendientes. Por el contrario, en las poblaciones de organismos ciertas características prevalencen en el tiempo debido a la selección natural. Esto significa que el cuello de las jirafas es el resultado que el cuello largo sea una característica beneficiosa que ha prevalecido debido a la selección natural y no de características adquiridas que son transmitidas a descendientes.