Global market segmentation has been defined as the process of identifying consumers with similar attributes who are likely to exhibit a similar buying behavior.
The process involved in the identification of a particular segment of customers to sell the products refers to the Global Market Segmentation. Those customers of the groups that has the nature of similar behavior in buying of certain products will be grouped together under this process.
The people in the identified group will have the same purchasing behavior. Thus, when the customers of similar buying behaviors are grouped then the targeting process of the business will become easier. Fir example if you are manufacturing chocolates then it will be easier to target on;ly children and the adults.
The correct answers are:
1. Actor, writer, musician : entertainment.
2. Dietician, optician : health care.
3. Litigator, paralegal, attorney : legal industry
Industries dedicated to consumer service are those whose product is directed directly to a consumer, and not to a company.
The product they offer is a service, and not a material good.
These industries will have professionals or people specialized in the subject who will be in charge of offering and selling this product.
That is what we see in the examples.
The health industry will offer services dedicated to health, therefore it will have professionals dedicated to this field.
The legal industry will have services dedicated to legal issues such as a lawyer, a litigator, etc.
And the entertainment industry will be dedicated to shows, this is where actors, musicians or writers come in.
That’s a busy day lol. The person slept from 2-9am slept for 7hours. The 3:30-4 slept for 30minutes.