Oncogenes are most like the gas pedal on a car, while tumor suppressor genes are most like the brakes on a car. Oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes are mutated in cancer cells.
Oncogenes are genes overexpressed in cells in which they should not be expressed, thereby leading to cancer.
Some examples of oncogenes are growth factors such as, for example, the Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or Epidermal growth factor (EGF).
Conversely, tumor suppressor genes are genes that act to regulate cell division and replication, thereby their inactivation also leads to cancer.
A well-known example of a tumor suppressor gene is the p53 gene that acts to control cell division and apoptosis (programmed cell death).
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DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is the empirical proof of God.
DNA can never be created naturalistically and is absolutely uniquely structured:
1. DNA contains multiple levels of coded organically constructed information that controls all cellular functions and no natural process is capable of creating or coding.
2. The amino acids that provide the coding fo the genetic information are homochiral. The few, not all, amino acids that can form naturally are not symmetric and are either left-handed or right-handed, called racemic. All amino acids in DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes, ribosomes and other cellular assemblies are left-handed, 100%. No right-handed amino acid can function within DNA. Nature may produce a partial list of racemic amino acids, but cannot produce homochiral amino acids, again, only produced within a cell.
3. Phosphate penta-sugars provide the overall dual backplane physical structure to allow the amino acids to be affixed and are all right-handed homochiral, not produced in nature and exclusively right-handed.
To help the frog to maintain homeostasis
1. Nucleus
3. Size
4. Adapted
5. Body
6. Job
7. Better