that's cool and very great
good to hear that!
Answer: The answer should be these two parts. "...I had to arm wrestle with him for it." and "Then I tied all his arms and legs in knots."
Explanation: These are hyperboles because they are exaggerative. Most likely the person did not arm wrestle with an octopus. Although that would be funny to watch, life is not a Disney movie. Then again if anything he fought the octopus to get away but did not literally tie his arms and legs in knots. The character is exaggerating in order to make himself seem even braver and more courageous than he actually is.
The Misfits, by James Howe, is a book that chronicles the life of a kid in middle school who does not quite fit the stereotype of a "popular" kid. However, his life changes when his friend Addie decides to participate in the school's elections.
In the novel, the phrase is given as an example of the different expectations that society has for each gender. While being intelligent and tall is an advantage for boys, it can often be seen as a disadvantage for girls. This is a very relevant topic for teenage audiences due to their focus on being accepted and the struggles they face when creating their identity.