Answer: Shifting of these tectonic plates result in the creation of the volcanic eruptions increases the degree of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere that also leads to a rise in the temperature levels.
The following are the achievements of the Olmec
Water Drainage
This civilization was able to construct an
extensive drainage system that is made up of conduits. This was discovered by
the archaeologists in the town of San Lorenzo, the largest city of Olmec
cities. These was carved into a U type shape and covered by capstones. This was
believed to be used as aqueduct to provide water throughout the cities.
Calendar system
It was discovered that Olmecs have their own
calendar system. They are using shells to represent numbers in their calendar which
starts with zero. This is one of the first uses of zero as starting point of a
This is a game of the Olmecs with the objective
of knocking the ball through the hole with the use of hips. The sap of a rubber
tree was utilized to produce balls that was used before.
Writing system
They are usually credited as one of those
civilizations to be the first to have their own writing system in America. Their
writing is mostly symbols rather than letter representation.
They are the one to first create compass that
existed in America with the basic understanding of gravity and magnetism.
geomagnetic field.
The earth magnetic field can be likened to a bar magnet with a North and South pole. It originates from the movement of molten iron and nickel in the outer core.
At every point in time, the magnetic field orientation can change. We must note that the magnetic north lies close to that of geographic north axis of the earth.
Around the mid-oceanic ridges, new materials are brought to the surface. These new materials can contain magnetic minerals such as haematite which are capable of being magnetized as a result of the prevalent magnetic field of the earth. As different materials are brought up, the magnetic minerals preserves the details of the magnetic field at that point in time. Using this information can know the orientation of the magnetic field at any point in time if the magnetic history chart of the earth is constructed. Oceanic ridges becomes older as they move away from the divergent margins.
young - earth geologists believe that sedimentry rocks form during the flood. classic sedimentry rocks likely began as particles of eroded rock, which were transported and deposited in a different location, compacted, and finally cemented in place