<u>The impact of reef erosion on the coral reef community:</u>
The reef erosion takes place in the shores, and which the coastal properties are being more exposed to the damaging effect of the waves. They become colonised with the help of varied range of the organisms, that includes algae, corals and large diversity of species of fishes. Artificial reefs functions as the inundated breakwater. Then will dissipate the wave energy, which can further reduce the coral erosion and thus will protect the secured boats.
everyone has epicanthic fold but In some people the folds are not well -retained and as the child grows we think it has never been there.
Finish. The work is done then the work is finish.
D. Aids
Aids is one of the most deadliest diseases in the world. When you contract aids, it's designed to infect the cells that try to destroy it, it's a whole zombie apocalypse in your body and you don't even know it.
It attacks and weakens the immune system, and our immune system defends our bodies against infections, but HIV is extremely strong and it over powers the system, I'm not sure if there's an immune system strong enough to fight HIV or aids.