Find the effects or the answer
The correct answer is aerobic conditions.
When you do rigorous exercise, the cells of the muscles require more oxygen and this requirement is met through aerobic conditions.
The body has its own oxygen energy system that manages the presence of the oxygen during movement.
a. purple allele (C) = 0.609, pink allele (c) = 0.391
b. purple homozygotes = 371, pink homozygotes = 153, heterozygotes = 476
Given -
Purple flowers - 847
Pink flowers - 153
The frequency of recessive genotype i.e

Frequency of recessive allele i.e q is equal to

As per hardy Weinberg's first equilibrium equation -

Frequency of purple homozygous species

Number of purple homozygous species 
Number of pink homozygous species 
Heterozygous species is equal to

The Moon completes a circle around the Earth in approximately 28 days.
All of the above are true
Organisms possess two types of genome viz; prokaryotic genome and eukaryotic genome. The eukaryotic genome is possessed by cells with a well-defined nucleus, where their genetic material (DNA). The prokaryotic genome, on the other hand, lacks a membrane-bound nucleus. The major organization or content between these two genomes are:
- Prokaryotic genomes generally have less DNA and fewer genes than eukaryotic genomes.
- Prokaryotic genomes have fewer repeated sequences and noncoding, intragenic sequences than eukaryotic genomes.
- Most prokaryotic genomes are contained in one circular chromosome while most eukaryotic genomes are contained on several linear chromosomes.
- In general, eukaryotic genomes contain many introns, repeated sequences, and transposable elements.
Based on this, all of the above options are TRUE