1. The Sons of Liberty have tarred and feathered a British Tax Collector and are forcing tea down his throat under the Liberty Tree (which was cropped out of this particular image)
2. Symbols include:
- The Boston Tea Party happening in the background
- The upside down "Stamp Act" poster
- The tea being forced down the tax collectors throat
- The Liberty Tree behind them (which also has a noose hanging off of it, but again that has been cropped out)
3. Significant words or phrases:
- "Stamp Act" it is upside down, which could indicate surrender (which is pretty much what the British had to do with the Stamp Act)
- "Liberty Tree" because they are tarring and feathering someone underneath a supposed symbol of liberty && the "Liberty Tree" has a noose hanging off of it
- "Tea" this is significant because they are forcing it down the tax collectors throat & there is a tea act that enrages colonists
4. The cartoons message is that the American Colonists (specifically the Sons of Liberty) are savages who brutally attack men for collecting taxes for the British government. It also makes the colonists appear ungrateful (the tea party in the back).
5. Yes, it probably was very effective in Britain (where it was printed)
6. The British and their Loyalists in the colonies would agree and support this cartoon. The patriots (those who supported the soon to come revolution) and especially the Sons and Daughters of liberty would oppose and disagree with this cartoon (because it makes them look bad).
Located on China's southeast coast, Quanzhou was a primary destination for Arab, Persian, Indian, and Southeast Asian ships carrying merchants eager to buy China's famed porcelain and silk. Because of its extensive internal economy and technological advances, China exported more than it imported.
His soilders were tired and refused to go father many shoulders ended up dying of heat.
Many Native American tribes allied with the British during the Revolutionary War. However, the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war, was silent on the fates of these British allies. The new United States government was thus free to acquire Native American lands by treaty or force. Resistance from the tribes stopped the encroachment of settlers, at least for a while.