The answers are as follows:
Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy....
1.) The city of New Orleans and Mississippi river rights .
How many days did the public know France owned them prior to becoming American?
3.)20 days
Why did Spain give Louisiana back to France?
4.) The colony was a hassle to manage - Spanish efforts to turn Louisiana into a Spanish colony were usually fruitless, Spanish officially was the only language of government, the majority of the populace firmly continued to speak French.
Napoleon was very powerful and scary - France grew in power and was a powerful force in Europe.
Napoleon agreed to sell Louisiana because he needed money for the war.
William Penn accept land in the New World because he wanted to create a place where he could practice his religion freely.
Philippine sea, sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean.
The Islands of Japan are so narrow that no point in the country lies more than 150 km (93 miles) from sea waters.
To the West, there is the sea of Japan, which separates Japan from the Asian mainland. To the north, lies the sea of Okhotsk, and to the south is the East China sea. All these are extensions of the Pacific ocean which lies to the east of Japan. To the far south-east lies the Philippine sea.
The legislative branch must approve any Presidental appointments unless a veto is used.