Search the table verbs past and write the correct verb in each sentences. Negative. 11. - I _____ ________ the ball to my classm
ate yesterday. throw 12. - Martha _____ ________ a rabbit on her notebook yesterday morning. draw 13. - They ______ ________ the bedroom last week. sweep 14. - She _______ ________ a song in the classroom last Sunday. sing 15. - Peter and Marry _______ ________ the first place last Monday. get 16. - My mother _______ ________ a present to her son last Wednesday. give 17. - We ________ _________ a tree last Thursday. cut 18. - Rosemary _______ _________ a dress last Friday. make 19. - You ______ ________ a book last Saturday. read 20. - He _______ ________ a car last year. sell
Answer: - I threw the ball to my classmate yesterday. throw 12. - Martha drawn a rabbit on her notebook yesterday morning. draw 13. - They swept the bedroom last week. sweep 14. - She Sang a song in the classroom last Sunday. sing 15. - Peter and Marry have got the first place last Monday. get 16. - My mother had bought a present to her son last Wednesday. give 17. - We have cut a tree last Thursday. cut 18. - Rosemary have made a dress last Friday. make 19. - You have read a book last Saturday. read 20. - He had sold a car last year. sell+
The nucleus is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. The nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains most of the cell's genetic information (mitochondria also contain DNA, called mitochondrial DNA, but it makes up just a small percentage of the cell’s overall DNA content)