shush fam you aint no god lool
Race is not pseudo science. For example there is race related differences to antibody responses in vaccines. A mulatto child cannot receive bone marrow from either parent. As an anthropologist I can tell someone’s race with a high degree of accuracy based on the skull. DNA evidence can also be used to identify a suspect or victims race in a homicide.
What the Nazi did was evil and horrible. Racist are foolish people who believe one group is above another. All of man came from Africa. Europeans are just pale Africans who evolved for a cold climate. Isolation and adaptation lead to the differences we see in modern human populations.
Race is not species, and that’s how most view the word. There is no Jewish race. No matter how many Jews or Gentiles wish there was, there is not.
Explanation: None
Stalin was determined that the USSR would control Eastern Europe. That way, Germany or any other state would not be able to use countries like Hungary or Poland as a staging post to invade.
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