In this period, the minutemen were created. They could be ready for battle in a moments notice.
Paul Revere, was a horseback rider who spread the word that the British were coming. He warned a group of minutemen multiple different times, along with countless number of other horseback riders.
The Tang and Song rule is described to be the reunification and renaissance in Chinese civilization mostly due to the fact of military advancements, rapid expansion, the Civil Service Exams and taxation methods that developed over time. Li Yuan, Duke of Tang, established the golden age of Tang because of his rapid expansion and strong Chinese bureaucracy. The Civil Service exams created opportunities for families to raise their rank in the social and political hierarchy. The Song dynasty valued scholars over military, making them weak to invaders yet highly cultural and innovative.
Once upon a time, there was a princess and prince......they had a pet pig named, Timmy. They loved their pet pig *OINK*. But one day an evil curse made the princess and prince break up or did the princess, not like the prince, and dumped him (WE WILL NEVER NO). well, so what were they going to do with the pig. They can't share him they thought. What were they going to do?? So they made up their mind and brought Timmy to the butcher and had yummy bacon. The bacon made the princess and prince fall in love with again or did she just hear that's he would the royal lottery (WE WILL NEVER KNOW).