Scientist, a fact is something that can be tested by anyone with the proper skill and equipment, and that repeatedly and reliably gives the same result every time. A scientific theory is a body of knowledge based on facts that describes their interaction in the simplest possible way
Instead of roots, threadlike structures called rhizoids.
have a nice day:)
What he did was say that evolution happened that over time the birds seemed to be changing
"Bedding is the separation of sediments into layers that differ from one another in texture, composition, color, or weathering characteristics".
Option (b);
Sediments mean the matter that gets accumulated in one place. Sedimentary rocks are the results of the rock due to the accumulation of small particles that get weathered from rocks or erosion over time. They get accumulated either on the bottom of the sea level or earth's surface and thus the sediment rocks are formed.
These layers of sediments that are created based on difference in their shape, size, color and composition results it in bedding.The size of rocks in bedding ranges from several millimetres to centimetres and it sometimes results in a meter thick.