I urge your esteemed newspaper to publish a notice call to the concerned departments to look into this matter immediately.
789 Hari Hara Lane
Chuo City
Tokyo 143-0024
The Editor
The Capital Times
13th Avenue Tower
Tokyo 110-0016
To the concerning authority,
I'm compelled to write this letter to your esteemed authority to express my concern regarding the quality of air in the capital city. It has been observed both by the citizens and various organisations that air pollution within the city is increasing rapidly since the last 5 years.
It is a threat to the lives and welfare of the citizens living in the city especially for children and senior citizens. Therefore, I urge your esteemed newspaper to publish a notice call to the concerned departments to look into this matter immediately. I firmly believe your participation in this matter will have a great impact for the betterment of the capital. Than you.
Yours sincerely,
Yahiko Watanabe.
And summer's lease hath all too short a date
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st
Iambic pentameter is a form of poetical writing style where there are ten syllables/ iambs / meters in a line. These words in each line will also be an alternation between an unstressed and a stressed syllable.
Among the lines given in the question, the last two lines are written in an iambic pentameter form. The lines are from William Shakespeare's "<em>Sonnet 18</em>",
And <u>sum</u>mer's<u> lease</u> hath<u> all</u> too <u>short</u> a <u>date
Nor<u> lose</u> po<u>sses</u>sion <u>of</u> that<u> fair</u> thou <u>ow'st</u>
The stressed words are underlined, thus the evident alternating unstressed and stressed meter form. Thus, these two lines are written in an iambic pentameter form.
The answer is D
Because it gives a better statement in favor of the fact that the books cannot be replaced for the opposing view in the counterclaim, the others only give statements in favor of the e-books.
The voice that beautifies the land