Hi and here is your answer!
BELIEVE: Today we are presented with the question,should mothers stay at home and not work?My answer to this particular question is yes,Mothers hould stay at home and not work. To support this claim I have three reasons. One, if the mother stays home and doesn’t work,she can take care of the children and clean the house,resulting in a tidier house and taken cared of children.Two, mothers would feel overworked if they were to go to work then take care of the kids which would make them feel overly exhausted. Last but not least,three the mother would have the chance to bond with her children and learn new things along the way, learning different recipes when cooking dinner, how to take care of a specific child, and cleaning hacks.
DO NOT BELIEVE: A particular question has been presented upon me, should mothers stay at home or go to work? My answer to this question is no,mothers should go to work and not stay at home.I have come up with three reasons why I believe this claim to be true. One, more money is coming in if both parents work,meaning they can afford more stuff and pay off their mortgage earlier than with the mother being at home. Two, the mother can learn and experience new job offerings that may show some sort of appeal to her. For example if the mother s interested in cooking she can be a restaurant chef or if she is likes to paint,she can be an artist.And Finally three, if the mother goes to work she wouldn’t have to deal with her kids that cry and scream all day and she would receive a break from them.
Hope this helped
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