Answer: A lo largo de la vida, las emociones juegan un papel fundamental en nuestro equilibrio personal y en la regulación del comportamiento. Nos informan sobre nuestro estado y sobre lo que necesitamos para estar bien. Condicionan nuestras relaciones con los demás. Las emociones nos exponen a todos a una experiencia compleja e invasiva, a menudo difícil de aprehender, incluso siendo ya adultos.
Sin embargo, el niño necesita del apoyo de un adulto para comprenderlas y para aprender a reaccionar de manera apropiada. Enseñar al niño a reconocer sus emociones es invitarlo a escuchar su propio cuerpo para ayudarle a gestionar mejor sus recursos emocionales y relacionales.
Answer: how hot the spear actually is An epic simile, or Homeric simile, is a rhetorical figure that compares, in a relatively lengthy manner, a strange or unfamiliar occurrence with a familiar event or thing. It is usually presented during moments of turmoil and it helps the reader reflect calmly on the scene being depicted.
In the excerpt above, the comparison is made between the blinding of the Cyclops with a hot spike, and how an iron spear is made by first making it hot and they quickly cooling it in order to mold it properly, just like the hot spear used by Odysseus cooled off as it entered the Cyclops eye.
Debbie Gibson played the part of Eponine in the Les Miserables musical broadway in 1992. The Les Miserables is an adaptation of a historical novel with the same title written by Victor Hugo and published in 1862. This novel told about several characters life in French in the 1800 era. The Les Miserables musical broadway is Debbie Gibson debut in her musical career and now she already played several musical broadways and made several albums<span>.</span>