Hi! you can " Incoperate" eveidence into your writing by direct quotes, that you pull from a text. Or by Primary, or secondary sources. Primary means "first"" most important", Secondary means " second" " lesser value" - I hope this helps.
Grendel calls for his mother.
Mom's will fight to the death for their children.
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens is about the personal development and growth of Pip, an orphan. Another character in the book who have entered popular culture is Miss Havisham.
The clocks that are stopped at 8:40 in Miss Havisham's house represent A. the death of her dreams when she found out her fiancé was leaving her at the altar. In pursuit of her to “freeze time,” she stopped all the clocks at 8.40 because her groom left her leaving a note which she received at 8.40. It symbolizes her hope and resentments wherein not only the time remains the same but the jewelry, wedding clothes and wedding feast were laying at the same place.
A sources copyright date is an indicator of accuracy