Kurt Vonnegut emphasizes in his novel "Harrison Bergeron" that absolute justice centered on intellect, power, and attractiveness for all sections of the community is a target which would lead to bad consequence.
Identify the principles and values most important to you. Describe the most important role you played in life – your family role, work role, and roles in the community are all a part of your story, your legacy. Describe your faith and how it impacted your life and decisions.
There was once a poor boy who had no family. His mother left him when he was young and he never knew his dad. he barely had mony for food. He'd work his butt off day by day, and only have one token for bread each day. One fine evening he got a little too hooked up in a pirates business. The pirate didn't like him, so he took him off to an island. The pirate planned to kill him, but the boy was not afraid to die. The pirate could see he was in bad shape, so he decided to raise the boy. The boy was fed well and loved by this pirate whom he began to call dad.
1. BENEFICIAL : producing a favorable result.
2. DERMATOLOGICAL : having to do branch of medicine concerned with the skin.
3. OSTEOARTHRITIC : having a degenerative bone disease.
4. PATHOLOGICAL : relating to or caused by disease.
5. CREDENTIAL : that which entitles one to confidence, credit, or authority.
6. POLYTHEISTIC : pertaining to the belief in more than one God.