Production Capital, Human Capital, Resource Capital, and Intellectual Capital...
Let me know if you need to know what those are :)
The total amount of account receivable it's $246.400
At the beginning the company had $270.000 in the account receivable and $38.600 of allowance for bad debt, when the company wrote off bad debt, it entry a credit in the Account Receivable and a Debit in hte Allowance for bad debt.
The new balance are $244.400 in the accounts receivables and $12.600 as credit in the allowance for bad debt, with the new sales the company generate an extra account receivable of $15.000, so the net value of Accounts Receivable it's $246.400.
B2C stands for business to consumer. This would be the sales you’d make to a consumer. B2B stands for business to business. This is the sales you’d make with another business.
Liz Meija is emplayed as a social worker in a host setting. She is mosy likly employed in an agency.
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