II.There are ten mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them. (5 marks)My friends Paul and Ellen have just return f
rom their honeymoon in Europe. Before they had left New York, I had given them my brother’s address in Switzerland in the hope that they will visit him and his family.When I went to call on the newly-weds last Tuesday night, they told how many they hadenjoyed traveling around Europe and that we soon would look at the color slides they had taken. They also gave me greetings from my brother and assured me that it had been a great pleasure for them meeting my relatives.The slide show started with pictures the couple had snapped on the boat. They came view of Paris, Chartres and Loire. Since Paul had mentioned earlier in the evening that the weather had turned very murky as soon as they got to Switzerland, I hardly expected seeing any pictures of that country. How surprising and pleased I was when I saw my brother and sister-in-law appeared on the screen with their new house in the background. They certainly looked very well and didn’t seem to change at all in the two years that I haven’t seen them.Answers: Example: 0. Line 1: return ¼ returned
1. Return ( Returned) 2. In the hope ( in hope ) 3. Will ( would ) 4. They told ( they told me ) 5. How many ( how much ) 6.They gave ( they sent ) 7. They came ( then came ) 8. Surprising ( surprised) 9. appeared ( appearing ) 10. well ( good)
The inauguration of the president of the United States is a ceremony to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of the president of the United States. The inauguration takes place for each new presidential term, even if the president is continuing in office for a second term.
Go home because if you are made immortal, you will keep making the same mistakes for all of eternity. You will watch your family and friends pass on, and you cannot be or go with them. At least going home makes the time you have with them all the more precious.