Answer: In the middle intertidal, barnacles, mussels and seaweeds all compete for space – a precious limited resource. Mussels are generally the dominant competitor on rocky shores and without the presence of predatory seastars would outcompete other taxa and occupy all available space.
B. the action of microRNAs that block translation of specific mRNA molecule
C. the action of RNA–protein complexes that degrade the regulatory proteins responsible for initiating transcription.
RNA interference occurs what RNA prevent the translation of some gene this is done by neutralizing target mRNA molecule. It suppresses the effects of some desires genes through its action.
MicroRNA and small interfering RNA (miRNA and siRNA) are the major RNA that controls interference. siRNA and miRNA prevent translation by directing some enzmes complexes to denature the mRNA molecule needed for translation. They intiate post transcriptional splicing.
RNA interference is found in eukaryote and some animals and its initiated by enzyme Dicer that inhibits translation by degrading the enzymes action.
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