I can't read off the unit that has only been assigned to you as you haven't shared a snip-it of the important details.
It means that for some reason the group of people in the sentence paid special attention to the name for one reason or another.
Inclusive education is a movement for children with disabilities for their education.
Because how they treated people with disabilities in the Middle Ages was a sad thing. The people with disabilities were treated inhumanely where they were sometimes left to die.
This is where the history of education for the disability had made a turn for the better. With the current laws in place, education has become a great environment. Children are all treated equally and are receiving the same education. Laws like the “No Children Left Behind” are a great example. Bylaws today, public schools must provide all resources to help their students with disabilities. Teachers get the training that is needed to prepare for the care of children and how to accommodate their students in all ways possible.
This is your answer for the parenthetical citation (World Magazine, 2009, page 56)